How to tell someone you don’t like them

Last Updated on February 17, 2024

We all had somebody we didn’t like personally and professionally. But what happens when they don’t realize it? What is the best way to tell them? How do you get that person out of your life?

I discovered a way of communicating this message using Zen Buddhism philosophy. It requires the correct relationship, action, and situation. To get your point across with them understanding it and not getting their feelings hurt.

  1. Correct relationship
    For example, you can’t tell your college professor you don’t like them. Because it is unnecessary, your relationship doesn’t require you to like them. In your relationship, it is correct for you to learn from them; whether you tell them you like them or not doesn’t change anything. However, it would be best to communicate your feelings correctly when it’s a friend or a potential life partner.
  2. Correct action
    You wouldn’t tell some you don’t like them but leave them somewhere when you offered them a ride. The best way to tell someone is to say, ” Our personalities don’t mix,” or “You’re not my type.”
    However, the situation has to be correct.
  3. Correct situation
    You must tell them at the right time and location. It would be awkward if you told them at a party in front of many people. The best time and location is in private, face-to-face. Preferably not when they are not busy with work or upset about something else.

Sometimes, when you tell them at the proper relationship action and situation, you might still experience an outburst. It’s okay; some people aren’t mature enough, they expect everyone to like them. Just ignore it and move on.

Sometimes, telling people you don’t like them at your job is necessary. The three principles still apply. You might say something like let’s keep our relationship professional, or We wouldn’t get along on a personal level.

In certain relationships, it’s better not to say anything, for example, close family members or in-laws. You can avoid them and hope they get the hint after a while.

It’s never easy to tell someone you don’t like them, but sometimes it is required for your and their well-being. So be strong, and you must do it remember the three principles and apply them to minimize the possibility of hurt feelings.

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